I don't understand why i find it so difficult to wake up early in the morning for college... its such a mission for me. sometimes the alarm clock just aint enough to get me out of the bed, its got to the point where i sometimes ask my little brother to pull me out of bed yes its that bad. even though iv been waking up early for years I'm just still not used to it. It's even worse when you've just come back from half term/holidays coz your used to waking up late. Ohhh well'z what can I do ay :)
Then to make my morning even worse THE LONDON TRANSPORT! oh my goodness i just can't take it anymore... it's like the bus drivers are set out there to make people late for work/college/school or where ever people are going. Bus drivers are the worst and they no what there doing it's like they do it on purpose lol. This is what's driving me to get my licence as soon as possible and i can't wait.

Sunday 7 March 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »


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